
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Review HealthPro Titanium Super Strong Lightweight Drinking Straws

Review HealthPro Titanium Super Strong Lightweight Drinking Straws

I was offered a sample of these titanium drinking straws in exchange for a fair and honest review whether it be positive or negative.
I recently reviewed another titanium drinking straw from a different company and as far as I can tell, these straws are comparable in size and quality. The big difference is the other straw is around $10 for a single straw and these are around $20 for a set of 4 straws, so these are a much better value.

These are durable, light in weight and dishwasher safe. You can boil them to sterize them if you wish. They do not come with a cleaning brush and in some cases I think a brush would be the only way to thoroughly clean the inside of these. For instance, smoothies are notoriously thick and clingy to sides of glasses and insides of straws. Running these through a dishwasher might sterilize the straw but would not clean the gunk ouf of the inside of the straw. Yuck! I would definitely want to run a brush through these if I was drinking anything other than clear liquid through them.

They are metal so with children I'd want to be careful they did not chew on the straws for fear of damaging their teeth.

These are non-reactive to acidic juice drinks which is great. They are long-lasting and will take the place of scores of disposable plastic and paper straws.

Are they worth it? Only you can decide. They are definitely cool and any geek would probably enjoy getting these as a gift. They are going to be too short to use in really tall glasses so that is a consideration. The fixed angle of the straw will also be a consideration because the angle cannot be changed. They are about 7 inches long and the bend in the straw is at the 5.5" mark.

My rating of these straws is based strictly on whether they meet the claims made for them on the producty description page. And as far as I'm concerned they do.
Review from Mr Erb.Thanks for watching.

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